Incompatible dependencies
When rebuilding 3.0.0 from scratch, an error occurs, see
Installed GHC.
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for parallel-tree-search-0.4.2:
tree-monad-0.3.1 from stack configuration does not match >=0.3.2 && <0.4 (latest matching
version is 0.3.2)
needed due to kics2-runtime-3.0.0 -> parallel-tree-search-0.4.2
Some different approaches to resolving this:
* Set 'allow-newer: true'
in /builds/curry/kics2/.stack/config.yaml to ignore all version constraints and build anyway.
* Recommended action: try adding the following to your extra-deps
in /builds/curry/kics2/stack.yaml:
- tree-monad-0.3.2@sha256:8a2f5bd93c5224ec8819ca1874e393b899508c31a1875d67ab2bad924ce7b980,1066
Plan construction failed.
The first approach to resolve the issue works, but this seems only a work-around. This should be corrected.